Women's Fancy Dance Outfits & Jingle Dresses
Here you'll find Fancy Dance Outfits and Jingle Dresses sized for Women, Teens and Big Girls
All these outfits are originals.
Each outfit consists of a cape, shawl and skirt. The cape and shawl are pretty much one size fits all. What usually determines the size of the outfit is the waist of the skirt. If you see an outfit you like but the skirt is the wrong size I can make another skirt. It may not be exactly the same as the first skirt but it will match the outfit.
The Jingle Dresses come in different styles. Please read the discription carefully to make sure it's what you want as jingle dresses are closer fitting and I can not alter the dresses.
Please call, write or E-mail with any questions.
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