The beautiful Hayley Withorne
Latasharose in her Lime green Hummingbird Outfit
Cheyenne and Cree in thier Jingle dresses. What a couple of cuties!
Sonny Shoptese looking good.
Taylor Battiest in her jingle dress. "I am very pleased with the jingle dress and I am looking forward to ordering from you again in the future.
Thank you,"
Donya Battiest
Rafe, Chane & Korte Barkley and Jack Kerttula at Crater Lake. All wearing grassdance outfits I designed.
"Here's a picture of your beautiful dress on my baby Brandy May! Brandy loves her jingle dress! She loves shaking her jingles! I will definitely be a 2nd, 3rd, 4th customer! Many thanks to you again!" James & Wendy Boure'
Jayci flashing her Princess smile!
Jackie in Florida
Bear in his Traditional Outfit.